Would you like to know more about God and about Christ Jesus,
and how you can find healing?
Your questions are sincerely welcomed. We are all learning and growing, and we are here to support you in your journey.
Location & Hours
Church & Sunday School
Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist
5655 W Northwest Hwy
Dallas, TX 75220
214 - 361-1625
Church Services:
Sunday Church Service & Sunday School 10:30am
Wednesday Meeting 7:30pm
Thanksgiving Day Service 10:30am
Sunday School is offered for youth up to age 20.
A Children's Room is available for the very youngest church attendees.
Reading Room
Christian Science Reading Room
5655 W Northwest Hwy
Dallas, TX 75220
214 - 957-6022
Tuesday & Thursday 11:00am - 2:00pm
Wednesday 3:00pm - 7:00pm
3rd Saturday of month 11:00am - 2:00pm
Church Services
Sunday Service
Church services are held every Sunday morning.
You’re warmly invited to attend our one-hour Sunday service. You’ll hear music, singing, scriptural readings, prayer, and a Lesson-Sermon. The Lesson-Sermon is based on a weekly Bible Lesson from our Pastor: the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.
Childcare is available.
Wednesday Meetings
We hold an evening meeting in-person each Wednesday.
These meetings are similar to the Sunday services, but the scriptural selections are customized to the needs of the congregation and occasion. You’ll also hear fellow attendees share insights, experiences, and healings they’ve had as a result of their prayer and study of Christian Science.
Childcare is available.
Thanksgiving Day Service
You are invited to join with us as our church celebrates Thanksgiving Day with a one-hour service that includes a short Lesson-Sermon and hymns followed by congregational sharing of testimonies of gratitude.
No collection is taken. Childcare is available.
Reading Room
Our Reading Room is a peaceful, yet vibrant place to discover Christian Science and to learn about God and your relationship to Him. Our friendly staff is ready to answer your questions on Christian Science and its Discover and Founder, Mary Baker Eddy. The staff can help you find resources, both online and in book form. Or feel free to explore on your own.
Here, you will find books and periodicals that draw your interest and give practical prayerful solutions to challenges large and small.
Our Reading Room provides a place for quiet contemplation and study.
At the Reading Room, you can purchase the Pastor of our church – the Holy Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. In addition, the Christian Science Quarterly which contains weekly Bible Lessons that constitute our Sunday sermons. Other periodicals, including The Christian Science Monitor, the Pulitzer Prize-winning online daily newspaper and published weekly magazine, as well as books and Bible reference resources are also available.

Sunday School
Christian Science Sunday School is a weekly one-hour session where young people are taught the power of prayer through the Bible and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy.
We welcome young people up to age 20.
Our Sunday School takes place at the same time as our Sunday worship service.
Those too young to attend Sunday School are warmly welcomed in our Children's Room.
Children's Room
In our Children’s Room, your infant or young toddler will find toys, books, games, and attentive caregivers who will look after them throughout the hour.
Care for your little ones is available during all Sunday church services, Wednesday meetings, and lectures hosted here at the church.

Local and
World-wide Events
For locally sponsored Christian Science program broadcasting, go to https://christiansciencetexas.org/broadcasting
There are free live web lectures on Christian Science being held throughout the world. Find a listing of them all at
About Christian Science
Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered and founded Christian Science, defined Christian Science as “the law of God, the law of good . . . ” (Rudimental Divine Science, p. 1). The laws of God heal, redeem, and restore anyone. They are universal and dependable. The deeper understanding of God as infinite Love and unchanging goodness bases the Science of Christianity.
Below are some basic questions on Christian Science with links to their answers that will help you understand Christian Science better.
What are the beliefs and teachings of Christian Science?
what-is-christian-science/beliefs-and teachings
Who is Mary Baker Eddy?
How can I be healed?
Helpful Resources
To learn more about The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, and its world-wide branches and activities, go to christianscience.com.
To learn more about Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, go to marybakereddylibrary.org or longyear.org.

Phone & Email
For any questions, please call: 214-361-1625 or fill out the following form to email the church clerk.
5655 W. Northwest Highway
Dallas, TX 75220
Sunday Service: 10:30 AM
Sunday School: 10:30 AM
Wednesday Meeting: 7:30 PM
Thanksgiving Day: 10:30 AM
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